Environmental Noise Barriers

Environmental Noise Barriers give practical solutions to the increase in environmental legislation and environmental concerns.

Now more so than any other time there is a huge increase in noise pollution from Highways and General Industry.

CD Fencing offer a professional installation service of Environmental Barriers complying with Highway Agency Standards BSEN1794- 1 and 2

Environmental Barrier is available in various heights and designs.

Ready made panels are available making a speedy installation, reducing time of possible road closures and traffic management on the highways.

Alternatively CD Fencing constructs panels using loose materials on site.

Environmental Barrier not only reflects the noise waves but it’s finish is aesthetically pleasing.

Great for you

Roadside noise barriers have been shown to reduce the near-road air pollution concentration levels. Within 15–50 m from the roadside, air pollution concentration levels at the lee side of the noise barriers may be reduced by up to 50% compared to open road values

Noise barriers force the pollution plumes coming from the road to move up and over the barrier creating the effect of an elevated source and enhancing vertical dispersion of the plume. The deceleration and the deflection of the initial flow by the noise barrier force the plume to disperse horizontally.